Chinese electronics maker Lenovo on Friday launched in India the 11th Gen Intel Core processor powered Yoga 7i, Yoga 9i, and IdeaPad Slim 5i laptops. Priced Rs 63,990 onwards, the Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 5i is now available on Lenovo web portal, Amazon India, and Lenovo exclusive offline stores. The Yoga 7i and Yoga 9i at Rs 99,000 and Rs 1,69,990, respectively. The Yoga 7i and 9i are available for pre-order on Lenovo web portal. The Yoga 7i will go on sale from January 15, whereas, the Yoga 9i sales will begin from January 12. Lenovo Yoga 7i: Details Powered by the 11th Generation Intel Core processors with Intel Iris Xe graphics, the Yoga 7i features rounded edges, four-side narrow bezel design, a 360-degree hinge, Rapid Charge Express, and intelligent Cooling for optimising the performance with up to 16 hours of battery life. The Yoga 7i also features Dolby Atmos speaker system, and Lenovo Smart Assist combined with a fingerprint reader for biometric authentication and TrueBlock
Lenovo announced the launch of Lenovo Yoga 7i and Yoga 9i laptops, powered by Intel’s latest 11th generation Tiger Lake processor which is currently one of the best processors for thin-and-light laptops across Windows. With the latest generation of processing power, the new Yoga laptops are built and designed to empower consumers to leap into smart, productive activities with AI-powered and uncompromised performance. Lenovo earlier also launched the IdeaPad Slim 5i powered by the same 11
th generation Tiger Lake processor.
Yoga 7i: This laptop is equipped with 11th Generation Intel Core processors and Intel Iris Xe graphics. It is built for comfort and boundary-breaking performance with its rounded edges, four-side narrow bezel design that offers 88% active area ratio, a 360-degree hinge for stability while transitioning from tablet to laptop mode, Rapid Charge Express, and Intelligent Cooling for optimising the performance with up to 16 hours of battery life. The Yoga 7i al