River Heights Lodge, Feb. 11 Outbreaks remain listed until officially declared over by an SHA Medical Health Officer. Previously reported but still on the list are: L7 Electric, Feb. 3; Drumming Hill Youth Centre, Feb. 4; Sask Hospital North Battleford West Riverview B, Feb. 4; Battlefords Union Hospital Dialysis Unit, Feb. 3; Battlefords Union Hospital, Homecare, 2-E Maternity, Jan. 31; Battlefords District Care Centre, Jan. 30; Anderson Pump House, Jan. 29; K5 Insurance, Jan. 22 The Lighthouse Serving the Battlefords, Jan. 18. Keyanow Child and Family Centre, Jan 12; North Battleford Comprehensive High School, Jan 11; Battlefords Union Hospital medical unit, Jan. 10; Porta Bella Restaurant and downstairs Bar and Grill, Jan. 6; CJNB radio, Jan. 5.