anysaid about it. rudy guiliani said about i ad about it. rudy guiliani said about ian about it. rudy guiliani said about iny about it. rudy guiliani said about isa about it. rudy guiliani said about iab it. rudy guiliani said about iit. rudy guiliani said about it. rudy guiliani said about i- guiliani said about iguiliani said about i michael avenotti.
like rudy said last night, he said last night, the celebrities do this all the time. right. they have a they have lawyers. when accusations are made. within they are on retainer? to the extent that that s a necessary thing for someone to have and the payments need to be made, that doesn t mean, i m dealing with the sec issue here. i don t believe there is an sec case here. you don t think it benefitted the campaign? it doesn t matter if it benefitted the campaign. it may have had the results. that may have been what guiliani is getting at. but the fact of the matter is, it was a personal payment for a personal issue. if this was just an innocent expenditure that celebrities do, why did trump lie about it? why did cohen lie about it? why did sarah sanders presumably was told false information, why was everybody lying about something if the whole thing was
his job. just days after the access hollywood tape came out was keeping voters from knowing about stormy daniels allegation, here s what is so stunning about that statement. all this time, michael conand his surrogates on tv have been saying this actually had nothing to do with the election. zero. a pure coincidence they say the deal was done less than two weeks before the election day. michael consaid it could have been done months before, which has been not true. now rudy guiliani common firmed it. quote, imagine that came out october 16th, in the middle of the last debate. he said, conmade it go away. he did his job. we asked one of those questions we alluded to a moment ago on seeming inconsistencies, even now the white house with the story. he joins us now. you pressed sarah sandsers on whether or not she knew about the president s reimbursement of the stormy daniels repayment, what did she say? reporter: that s right, march 7th, she said in the briefing room. i had conver
politics. according to time s rosenstein and officials suspect some lawmakers are using oversight authorities to gain information about the investigation and funneling it, that verb again, to the white house. joining me to talk about this is a member of the house intelligence committee. congressman, are you aware of house republicans sharing information they received from the department of justice regarding the russia probe with the white house? good evening, anderson. this is certainly something we have seen in the past. you know, the origin of it was when devon nunez went to to the white house, the diafter devon 91ness testified, they were asking for information to sign off on information about an ongoing investigation. the fisa warrant for carter page. the concern i had there was you were reading in individuals who were subject to an investigation and giving them the authority to sign off on what would be released.
$130,000. when i heard cohen s retainer of 35,000 when he was doing no work for the president. i said that s how he s repaying it, with a little profit and a little margin for paying taxes for michael. but do you know the president didn t know about this? he didn t know about the specifics of it, as far as i know. but he did know about the general arrangement that michael would take care of things like th this. notice, he didn t say did the president know this? this is a question the reporter would ask, now how he wanted the subject to answer. instead he said you know the president didn t know about this. guiliani doesn t say, of course the president didn t know about this, which is what cohen supporters have been saying all along. mr. guiliani says as far as he knew mr. trump didn t know about the specifics but the general arrangement that michael cohen would take care of things the general arrangement to funnel money to cover up an alleged affair. the president knew about the g