but i am also glad that he spoke about the original sin, america, in terms of slavery which really gives us a clear message in terms of why we must move forward to repair the damage and reparations, so african americans, we have been working many, many years to connect african americans with the issues on the african continent so that there is a constituency for africa, i think that is happening and it is very exciting. exciting indeed. congresswoman, thank you very much for your time, we appreciate it. i want to bring in congresswoman jones of new york. thank you for being here with me today. let s start with the january 6th committee. you are a member of congress but you are also an attorney. so from your perspective, do you think that the committee has done the work needed to prove that donald trump, or his allies are guilty of the charges that they reportedly are considering. insurrection, conspiracy, and obstructing a official proceeding of congress?
Are you ready? Are you wearing your Claire Underwood pajamas? Is your Frank Underwood hairpiece glued on? Good! Now, let's get you caught up on Season 4 of "House of Cards!" This should go without saying, but spoilers are ahead.