we had a large part, realized the dreams of martin luther king that people are judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin but the left controls all levers of power, they seek to divide us to continue to keep the nation divided and see each other in a racist ideology, does not recognize the united states of america is the most welcoming nation in history of the world in terms of providing opportunity for people of all races, all ethnicities, all nationalities. jillian: have you heard much response to what you re trying to do? yesterday s press conference the left tries to shout us down, they are afraid of truth and don t want the truth to get out. we have parents who reach out across the district concerned about what is being taught in schools, often under a different name than crt, they use another name to teach a dishonest history of america, how we were
any member of this committee the question of your understanding of the constitution, the recognition and understanding of the civilian chain of command is despicable. i want to apologize to those members of committee who have done so and i thank you for standing in the breach. that is not the emmy awards are over, she cannot get any nominations. gutfeld is next. jillian: thursday september 30th, president biden effort into hanging by a thread is one democrat senator says he will reject his party s massive tax and spending bill and progressives threatening bipartisan legislation set for tomorrow. todd: testimony from the nation s top generals. it is clear, it is obvious to all of us the war in afghanistan did not end in terms we wanted. the war was a strategic failure.
children and divide us as a nation. thank you for joining us, appreciate your time. jillian: the race to leave the state of virginia don t know why but backlash growing against the democratic hopeful after he made these remarks during the debate this week. i m not going to let parents come into schools and i don t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. that is an eye-opener. the court we got, republican challenger slams his opponent. good to see you. glad you aren t planning me. let s get to that story, the margin that separates terry mcauliffe and republican glenn youngken and the gop candidate is hoping his opponent s remarks will strike accord with parents, to be shut out of their kids
the vaccine. quick answer to you. if you vaccinating ruby? absolutely not. they are not hybrids, they have a strong immune system and i m more concerned about vaccine injuries than covid itself. what is the time to be a parent and tougher time to be a young lady. you two ladies seem to be doing really well. thanks so much. still had on fox and friends first ted cruz doubling down on his challenge to aoc and extending an invitation for her to come to see the border firsthand. talking about that with joe concha and don t forget about lawrence jones and congresswoman jillian: miller meeks, them and more when fox and friends first on thursday morning rolls along.
not much trash talk. todd: coming up facebook execs in a heartbeat over reports they instagram is toxic for kids and actively trying to recruit young users anyway. jillian: talking to parents and young daughters next.