/PRNewswire/ Today Mott Corporation, one of Connecticut s leading high-tech manufacturing companies, announced that it won a $10 million grant from the U.S..
Ball & Socket Receives Additional Grant Funds- Ball & Socket Arts was recently awarded major funding to further advance construction, abatement and programming.The first piece is a landmark federal appropriation of $625,000 towards fire safety systems, that was secured and championed by.
NEW MILFORD, Conn. — The Housatonic River Commission announced the federal designation of the Housatonic River as a Wild & Scenic River for the 41 miles of the river from the.
.@uwwesternct announced the award of $1.2 million in Senate Directed Funds to support the expansion of a first-of-its-kind digital marketplace – Prosperi-Key – that empowers hard working families and small business to thrive across Connecticut.