of people that included roger stone and steve bannon urging trump to declare victory regardless of the results, the actual legal results, of the 2020 election. now the january 6th select committee cites a memo that fitton wrote for trump in the run-up to election day, i think the summer before the election, as evidence that in the words of committee member zoe love gren friend the big lie was untensional, promeditated and a plan concocted in advance. here s a snippet from the january 6th select committee s final hearing. a few days before the election, mr. trump also consulted with one of husband outside advisers inside activist tom fitton about the strategy for election night. the select committee got this pre-prepared statement from the national archives. as you can see, the draft statement, which was sent on october 31st, declares we had an election today and i won, and the fitton memo specifically indicates a plan that only the votes counted by the election day deadline
republican-controlled rules committee removed the provision democrats have put in place for the previous two years that banned firearms in hearing rooms and committees. lauren boebert called the amendment a political stunt while reiterating her desire to have a loaded gun on her in the capitol. congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez said, it s all extremely concerning. i sit on that committee with a man who threatened to kill me, referring to a video posted by representative paul gosar, who denied it was meant as a threat. there are reassurances they don t want to hurt members, frankly, are quite empty. they have stoked an environment that s unsafe, she said. the amendment failed in a party line vote. meanwhile, the state of the union is less than one week away, and congresswoman huffman and 13 other democrats sent a letter to house and senate leaders expressing urgent concern about the safety and security of those in attendance. the gop house majority s new