and work with whoever it is and they should be prosecuted. jesse: joining me now is diamond and silk. you can t make fun of congress women on twitter? i believe that anybody and everybody should make fun of congress, especially this democrat congress because they are nothing but a joke. and you know what? i cannot believe we have a congresswoman calling for the criminalization of america because they call them out on their foolery. who should be prosecuted? this democrat congress for allowing the crisis to happen at the border because they wouldn t give the border patrol the resources they need to do their job. not to mention all the things they say about our president and his supporters. look they call him racist, they make fun of him.
we are going to shut them down and work with whoever it is and they should be prosecuted. jesse: joining me now is diamond and silk. you can t make fun of congress women on twitter? i believe that anybody and everybody should make fun of congress, especially this democrat congress because they are nothing but a joke. and you know what? i cannot believe we have a congresswoman calling for the criminalization of america because they call them out on their foolery. who should be prosecuted? this democrat congress for allowing the crisis to happen at the border because they wouldn t give the border patrol the resources they need to do their job. not to mention all the things they say about our president and his supporters. look they call him racist, they
ongoing and today we learn that the fbi had done its part and it turns out that when the kelly white house says that something wasn t done, what they mean is that they hadn t done anything about it, about the papers on their desk. then you wonder how people are using language and how they are seeing reality. you mentioned frederica wilson. that was a case where he attacked a congresswoman calling her an empty burrow and gave a very specific description of a speech she s given a little over two years earlier that he attended, described how he had gotten angrier as she disrespected fbi agents who were being honored and the building being named for them. when people went to the videotape, the reality was so different. it was made up. and it wasn t just that he had gotten it a little wrong, she had spoken eloquently about how brave the fbi agents were and how humbled she was.
completely honest and say it took the democrats a hot second as well, the democrats, to get on board with all this. yeah, nancy pelosi. of course! we bungled that, too, and i think so far there s only been one gop congresswoman calling for fahrenthold to resign, mia love, so they re all failing the leadership test and i think they are taking a much more political approach to this than democrats are. and the way we re approaching it is not just in terms of crass politics and what s going to help us win elections. it s did you do something wrong? and if you did, you ve got to go. but does it come down to politics at the end of the day? is this for the long game for democrats or is this actually becoming a moral issue? i very i feel very strongly about this, that this is a moral issue. and if it were just about politics, you know, you wouldn t have seen all these people saying franken s got to go. you wouldn t have seen all these people saying a guy who had been a legend, like c
$300,000 defense fund. 10% of sacramento residents are not u.s. citizens. and finally, the mtv movie and tv awards making sure viewers get a healthy dose of politics. marks seen watters, a democratic congresswoman calling for president trump s impeachment getting a standing ovation before presenting the award for best fight against the system. that award going to the film hidden figures. mtv also getting politically correct with the first nonbinary presenting the award for best actor. what exactly is a nonbinary? someone who doesn t use gender pronouns like he or she. that award going to emma watson for her role on beauty and the beast. and those your headlines, guys. it must be hard to be a republican in hollywood, huh? ainsley: if they are, they don t want to talk about it most of them keep quiet. remember the one who wore the dress? ainsley: trump dress. we had her on. brian: clinton eastwood and maybe sylvester stallone and easy to spot. steve: very quiet.