said to us. they said lois lerner was there. se said nothing about the targeting. days later in a planned, calculated question and answer question disclosed it at a public conference. what the committee smells here is number one contempt for congress, the agency has not been answering honestly. let s say on tuesday the answer is i don t know, on thursday you come into information, what the congress is trying to say the law requires you to call us an come back and say i have that information. when i told you this i was not aware of that. that s going to get to a broader question on the republicanaire republican narrative. that this president on this and other issues and his feel just look down their noses at congress and decide, we don t have to tell you anything. but then they made a calculated step to put this out in public, because they knew that inspector general report was coming down the pipeline. the thing that struck me at the beginning of the hearing, congressman dave camp, c