number one, talking about marriage equality given that that issue is definitely there s a split within republican party. watching the split within this family not helpful to the broader issue of trying to build bridges to the lgbt community, i would assume. secondly, there s got to be just bad feelings. i mean, as manu was saying, people feel like enzi s done a good job. there s not really a reason to challenge him. i no i know she likes to cast herself as part of a new generation. that doesn t seem like an argument. even though she s running to the right of him she s really not one of these tea party challengers you talked about in your mentioned in your introduction. we had to throw her in there. you threw her in there. i understand for what reasons. yes, she was able to make news. get into the cable news circuit. when it comes to her particular challenge, i think she just said, enough. i don t want to wait any longer. that s a big difference between some of these others li