Members of Congress, under pressure from industry lobbyists, arepoised to block competitive bidding for durable medical equipmentand supplies in the Medicare program.
a pop. and green. we knew that on gretchen, of course. i hope we didn t spend a lot of money on that study. i think we knew that. let s talk about the book obama diaries doing your last book signing. out in huntington, long island. i want to know, this cover throws me off. how did you get into the oval office? the salahis got into the white house. desiree rogers and i are like this. she got me in. great to see you, absolutely. great to have you on the couch. remember, salmon color, stay with it. delicious. her question got a congressman to reveal his true feelings about big government. watch this. ask if they can do anything. the federal government can do almost anything in this country. the woman who challenged representative pete stark joins us next in a fox news exclusive. she was tied up by a burglar in her own home. wait until you hear how she called for help. she used her toes and a laptop.
say. sean: what did he mean to say? it sounds like we re omnipotent the heck with you little people. sounded pretty arrogant to me. no, he was saying the federal government has a lot of authority. the courts have recently said that is true. sean: liberal courts, unelected, unaccountable. what he is saying is might makes right and we can and we do and we will. horrifying ugly truth. it makes me sick to my stomach this is the reason he didn t get the committee chairmanship. pete stark the only self-described atheist on capitol hill by the way. the one guy who says what everybody else is thinking. sean: is that where charlie rangel and maxine waters comes from and louisiana purchase and cornhusker kickback. isn t that socialism/utopia. sean: we get the crumbs. you are in our opposition mode
they don t want to defend it because it is out of sync with the will of the american people. i think congressman stark said the federal government can do most anything in this country. we the tape. constitution is very limited in what it can do, sir. and it specifically prohibits slavery. when you tell somebody you have a right to get a service from another that s essentially saying you get to make that persons do something for you. sir, that is a form of slavery. my question is, how can this law be constitutional? the federal government yes can and do most anything in this country. [ booing ] sean: the federal government can do anything they want. they can t seem to fill a leak in the gulf. there s lots they can t do. i understood what he meant to say.
welcome back, everyone. congressman pete stark taken to task about big government control at a town hall meeting in california by a concerned citizen. how can this law be constitutional? but more importantly than that, if they can do this, what can t they? is your answer they can do anything? the federal government, yes, can and do most anything in this country. oh! now is that what the united states is supposed to be all about? joining me now for a fox & friends exclusive is kimberly corpsus, the woman who challenged congressman stark at that town hall. good morning, how are you? i m doing just fine. we see this video come out from