states when you watch the handover of these events and the house seeing the biggest change, the balance of power shifting from the democrats over to the republicans and here s what the new 112th congress will look like, 435 members, of course, in the house, 242 of them are republicans. in the red seats, as de peubt dollars in this graphic. one hundred ninety-three are democrats. of those, there are more than 90 members of congress who are new, nearly all of them are fresh well, freshman lawmakers are republicans. bill: a bit later this hour, what about the established lawmakers? there s such a target and focus on the new ones. debbie wasserman-schultz is live here in america s newsroom , how democrats plan to tackle their loss in the house. at 10:30 eastern time, we ll talk to congressman mike dent out of indiana, about republicans and how mike pence on republicans and how they plan to follow through on the spending cuts, debts, repeal of health care, interviews you can t miss on