perishable and cities and towns throughout america need that chlorine for water supplies to keep them safe. so the real deadline is sooner and we ll try to solve this asap. and just the one other thing i will say on the budget which the speaker mentioned and on the funding. there was goodwill in the room and desire to come together and solve this problem. and that gave made us feel quite good about it. do you have the numbers? to pass? look, the leader and i are going to have to get together and try to get that done and we are working on it. if i just may close on the personal note as the leader began, yesterday sadly we lost one of our members, congressman mceachin of virginia. my last communications with him
The Virginia Biotechnology Research Partnership Authority in Petersburg will receive $52.9 million in federal funding to expand the domestic supply chain for essential medicines and critical active pharmaceutical ingredients.
Richmond, VA –On Thursday, Congressman A. Donald McEachin (VA-04) and White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Chair Brenda Mallory visited Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Rice Rivers Center to learn