i did, and i would again because i think russia has been a bad actor for us and continues to be. appreciate your time. thank you very much always. here to discuss tonight s eruption between republicans and democrats over the memo, gloria borger, jack kingston and bakari sellers. gloria, what s happening with this committee? well, i think it s kind of stunning. i think it s sort of devolved into partisan wrangling, and i think you have a president right now who is taking on his own department of justice, including the fbi. i spoke with a friend of the president s today, who said to me and maybe you can confirm this said that the president believes that his fbi is corrupt, period. flat out, that s it. and i think what you saw going on today was devin nunes and many of the people on that committee were basically saying the same thing. and that even though the head of the fbi said, please don t do this right now. can i come up and talk to you?
public, the topic s on the table for people to say, this is wrong and here s why. i think the democrat memo in its i really don t want to jump in because representative kingston, congressman kingston is actually showing why this is nothing more than a partisan football and the conundrum that the let him but i do believe what we re starting to see is, one, we re seeing chairman nunes completely in over his head. even more disappointingly, the person who does not show any courage or valor during this moment when he needs to stand up is paul ryan. the fact of the matter is if richard nixon was president and paul ryan was the speaker of the house, then he probably would nominate richard nixon for a nobel peace prize. he has done absolutely nothing to stand up for the foundation and the tenets of our democracy. the big news today, though, and you spoke about it briefly to senator lankford, is the fact that the president of the united states will not implement sanctions on russia
diplomatic action. and the tweets, truthfully, in my view, did not contribute hopefully to expanding that opportunity. you know, it s interesting, david sanger, though. we had jack kingston, former congressman from georgia on, who said that president trump tweeting about buttons is akin to ronald reagan standing in berlin saying, mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. i think a lot of people will bristle at that comparison, soaring rhetoric on the one hand versus, you know, 280 characters or less on the other. but thematically, is the president, president trump, pressing buttons here that contribute in some ways to the progress that general hertling was just talking about there on the border? i wouldn t see it that way. the ronald reagan reference was fundamentally about human rights in the soviet union at the time. and while there was a brief reference to that in the tweet, where he suggested that kim jong-un was presiding over a
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about things he wrote overnight, about buttons, nuclear but the d tons. whose button is bigger. neither, as far as we know, has an actual, literal nuclear button. but, beyond that, eliot cohn, who s a former defense official, worked for many people, including george w. bush under condoleezza rice. he wrote, spoken like a petulant 10-year-old, but one with nuclear weapons for real at his disposal. how responsible people around him are supporting him can dismiss this or laugh it off is beyond me. so, congressman kingston, to you, do you agree with that statement? do the president s comments make america less safe? i don t. we have so many armchair advisers from state department circles who know how to run the world. if they were just in charge, the world would be a wonderful place. but we ve seen in north korea failed attempts by republicans and the democrats, trying to get the kim jong-un family under control. and you can t do it easily. nobody knows the crystal-clear path.