thousands of people cut off from the mainland 6789 the only way to get there, air, helicopter or boat. you see semitrucks bringing supplies, we re moving as fast as we can, we are here to support as long as needed. carley: alexandria hoff joins us live from fort myers beach. what an experience. the pictures look like a bomb went off. what did you learn? alex: how complicated it has been to get to people in need, those in barrier islands that have been completely cut off. recovery operation or the operation to get to some form of state of recovery, 24 hours ongoing and quite impressive. latest numbers, 430,000 floridians still without power, down from 2.6 million and hardest hit places, though, they could be in the dark for weeks and months, some are anticipating. as number of those without power comes down, ian s death toll is rising. report of 78 deaths, 71 in florida, even survival plagued by trauma. a resident put it, it is the most horrible thing in the world really
ballistic missile over japan for first time since 2017. five million residents taking shelter as sirens sound off across the island nation. [sirens sounding] carley: former cia station chief dan hofman says it was intimidation tactic by kim jong-un. he is looking for sanctions relief, that is one reason, he has to demonstrate his country is on war footing and has to blame south korea and japan and the united states for everything wrong with his country. carley: white house strongly condemning north korea launch calling it dangerous and reckless. todd: congressman jordan