There is no question that there is much wrong with America’s housing finance and homeownership market. There is much evidence to indicate that many of the costly efforts by the federal government to promote housing and homeownership were at best ineffective and at worst contributed to a serious recession. While the focus of reform should be on the flawed mechanisms and the policies and institutions that contributed to the problem, there are those notably many smart growth advocates and some in the Obama Administration who see this as a reason to abandon the government’s endorsement of homeownership as a goal worthy of promoting and achieving.
From the column: "The Superior National Forest is a working forest, and its forest plan explicitly includes mining as a desired condition. The proposed Twin Metals mine is outside of both the wilderness area and the Mining Protection Area set up in the 1978 BWCA Act. It’s in an industrial region with existing and former mine pits, logging roads, quarries and more."
Wadena Mayor Wayne Wolden wants U.S. Highway 10 to be expanded to four lanes, run through town and be done in the next 15 years. Wolden said last week it is one of the biggest priorities he's had as mayor, and he doesn't intend to give up fightin.
CSS gets McNair funding
There was good news from Washington this week for the College of St. Scholastica. Calls from the offices of U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman and Congressman Jim Oberstar confirmed that the college s McNair Scholars Program will be funded for another four y.
Written By:
Duluth Budgeteer | 2:01 am, Aug. 9, 2003
There was good news from Washington this week for the College of St. Scholastica. Calls from the offices of U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman and Congressman Jim Oberstar confirmed that the college s McNair Scholars Program will be funded for another four years.
Oberstar said the college will receive $240,043 under the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program.