but rather our expectation he confirmed the statements of what, what was said about the s-hole? no, he confirmed today in his press briefings that in fact he said he was not an informed candidate. got it. so explain the bipartisan solution you presented the chief of staff for d.r.e.a.m.ers? well, we talked about the usa act, which is we keep referring to as a the two lead cosponsors, congressman aguilar from california, congressman herd from texas, that we have a bipartisan daca fix that protects d.r.e.a.m.ers but also addresses border security, which has really been what the white house has said has got to be part of any policy effort that protects d.r.e.a.m.ers. we have done that. it deals with everything that they ve identified without building a 2,000-mile wall or
to as the two lead cosponsors, congressman aguilar from california, congressman herd from texas, that we have a bipartisan daca fix that protects d.r.e.a.m.ers but also addresses border security, which has really been what the white house has said has got to be part of any policy effort that protects d.r.e.a.m.ers. we have done that. it deals with everything that they ve identified without building a 2,000-mile wall or minimizing those protections for d.r.e.a.m.ers. and it s getting growing bipartisan support. it s nearly 30 republicans and 30 democrats in the house. and we feel like it s really got the kind of momentum that it would pass by an overwhelmingly majority in the house of representatives. i want you to listen to what kelly said about the border wall tonight. in one way another it s possible that we could get the revenue from mexico but not directly from their government.
don, think about what might happen during a criminal proceed [you were a witness and you were asked a question and refused to answer and the defense council said, oh, can we have some time to answer that? it s abird. in an interview in november you said nothing surprises you and people are going to prison. what do you think now? oh, yeah, i don t think there s any question. well, we already have two plea deals where mr. flynn and mr. papadopoulos copped felonies. as most of us suspect this plea deal is entered into because they re after bigger fish. and i m pretty sure director mueller has in mind those bigger fish be held accountable. i ve got to ask you, congressman, about sarah sanders. here s what she said. i think we ve been dealing with this hoax for a better part of a year. we have to endure the
these are punishable by up to five years in prison. but as most of us suspect this plea deal was entered into because they re after bigger fish. and i m pretty sure that director mueller has in mind maybe he ll hold accountable those bigger fish be held accountable. i ve got to ask you, congressman, about sarah sanders. here s what she said. i think we ve been dealing with this hoax for a better part of a year. we have to endure the ridiculousness for another month, we can certainly handle it. do the american people deserve that? no, i don t think they do. what s your response, congressman? abject sadness. we re talking about a foreign power interfering in the heart of our democracy, namely our election system in 2016. it is inarguable at this point. she does a disservice to herself, to the office she represents but most importantly to her country to deny this
over. the trump white house, it s like monty python, i m not dead yet, they keep insisting there s going to be something out there. there s nothing out there. the story is done. the fbi handled over information saying is the case is closed, we re not boerting ourselves with this tweet madness anymore. on to the real news. jim sciutto, do you agree with that? devin nunes is a republican and he told our manu raju he doesn t think there s anything to prove it. the fact is we ve heard pretty categorical denials of any evidence from republicans and democrats from the u.s. attorney general on down. it seems very unlikely. all right. of course we ll be joined by congressman herd on that committee in a couple moments. i want david urban yes, i would like to finish my point. i want to highlight, the held line of what you were saying is what matters is whether our allies believe that our president can be trusted and our government can be trusted to say what it means and means what