and 2011 he gave him a pass when was caught lying about fast and furious. 2013 now looking the other we despite the fact that holder was the with unwho authorized the unprecedented efforts to spy on fox news channel s james rosen. with new accusations merging that the top law enforcement officer lied under oath while testifying on capitol hill two weeks ago, will the president continue to have confidence in his attorney general? joining me, two members of the house judiciary committee. gentlemen, welcome. congressman franks, do you believe that eric holder lied when went before congress two weeks ago? sean it appears that he did. oon the one hand, he said eceptionly when it comes to prosecuting the press for disclosing information or material that he had never been involved in it. that he had never heard of it essentially and thought it would be bad policy and yet previous to that he signed an affidavit regarding mr. rosen saying that, you know, he
think the d.o.j. should investigate? do you think that s a good enough force of investigation? do you think it should be more broad? keep it tight so we can give congressman franks a chance as well. well, i think the inspector general has done an outstanding job, has given us good, solid information. i don t think anybody has really questioned that much what the inspector general has done. and so i think that s a good enough investigation. with what congress itself is going to be doing, we know that there will be investigations in oversight and government reform. we also know that the chairman of this committee is always eager to subpoena records and that kind of things. so i think the investigatory pieces are in place and we will get the information that will tell us the truth. okay, congressman franks, are you satisfied? i think that danny is correct. we are going in the right direction. but it s important to keep in mind, congress has introduced a bill to to say that any
administrative subpoenas like the one that the justice department issued to check these a.p. records, is no longer going to be without judicial review. we need independent accountability. and then hopefully the facts will lead where they will. but it s important, americans make sure woo are protecting our liberties now for this and future generations. congressman davis, congressman franks, we appreciate your time. we will keep an eye oz this plays out. thanks you, gentlemen. thank you. the justice department s sweeping collection of its reporters is illegal. but the obama administration is say that this subpoena was in the interest of national security. the a.p. president and ceooh gary pruett says tell have lingering effects. it will hurt journalists. we are seeing an impact. officials that would normally talk to us and people we talk to
worked in secret, unrecorded and untranscribed interviews with witnesses. republicans remaining focused on getting their hands on more information into what happened that night, such as video surveillance and the gap between the consulate attack and the white house talking points email released just last week. shannon, back to you. thank you very much. the obama administration is juggling three major flashpoints, the irs targeting conservative groups. new details about how the administration handled the deadly benghazi attacks, before, during and aft they happened and the seizure of associated press reporter phone records. joining us to talked about the issues, members of congress from both sides of the aisle. trent franks and danny davis. gentlemen, welcome to you both. thank you. thank you very much. all right. congressman franks, there has been an apology from the irs. the president has expressed outrage and said that americans have a right to be angry. are you satisfied tha
suspected of carrying out attacks against israeli and egyptian targets. they killed the man in an air raid. said to be one of the top leaders of a ultraviolent movement in gaza. it appears elections will be held in israel january 22. tensions between israel and iran seem close to boiling over. congressman franks is in jerusalem discussing what role the u.s. should play. he joins us live. congressman, thank you so much for your time today tell us the latest that you discovered there on the ground in israel. well, you know, the israeli people are the bravest and most noble people in the world and they he understand the challenge that they face with iran but they are facing it very heads up and i hope somehow the people of america and especially our leaders understand that their equation