bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more life per roll. bounty, the quicker picker upper lisa: outrage. clayton: kelly with a battle that s hitting a fever pitch. republican congressman dunkin hunter says he adds there should be respect for each other, hanging controversial paintings that offend anyone. painting that mr. hunter personally took down without permission. a police officer as a pig in
uniform pointing a gun at black protesters, hunter says that he along with lawmakers and law enforcement groups found it offensive so he removed it and returned it to congress lacey clay. the democrat from missouri selected the art piece from a student competition because it represented what was happening in his district of ferguson. the congressional black caucus plans to rehang the painting today in a press release member state this, public view represents more than just protecting the rights of a student artist, it is a proud statement and defense of the first amendment of the u.s. constitution which guaranties freedom of expression to every american. congressman hunter says they can rehang it but he has the right to hack it down again. i do worry that this sort of thing happening in washington, d.c. we are supposed to be leaders here and not children but we couldn t be inciting this anger