foundation. democrats and the media in the country if they care about the rule of law, the equal application of the rule of law, it s time to start demanding justice, time to start investigating these scandals and these people need to be put under oath. from circa news sarah carter is a lawyer and investigator, gregg jarrett, john solomon welcome back, good to see you. john let s go back to her investigative work here, tell us why this is so critical to all the donald trump junior hype. if you go back to last saturday, just days ago, the story was there was a kremlin backed lawyer who snuck into trump tower and had a secret conversation with donald trump, jr., that looked like collusion, people were using trees and on monday morning. what we found out that this lawyer was part of a lobbying campaign commits a private attorney, a lobbying campaign that started before the donald trump meeting in march when a congressman dana war
when a congressman dana war barker was approached and carried out all the way through june when many members of congress, some state department officials, some staffers were all contacted by the same group including this lawyer to lobby about the act. this was a classic lobbying on information, no evidence of collusion or campaign event as it was originally portrayed to be. sean: we always talk about selective moral outrage on this program.po in the case of ukraine, you have a dnc operative who was admitting she met with foreigners, in this case ukrainian ambassador. she s admitting she passed on detrimental information to the dnc and clinton on paper, that is far worse than any thing know about trump-russia collusion. it s basically been ignored. how bad is it, should these people be put under oath? i certainly think they can be