positionm schiff using a position of the intel chairina lying to the american publicmeag again and again. swalwell, you all know, doesu a not have the ar should have the responsibility to serve on the intel committee. i ll put the nationarve on thely ahead of partisan politics any day. integrit the nationay matters ae going to make the intel committee back to what it was tt supposed to be.s suppos well, today, those aforementioned democrats held a press conference on being mocrats hebooted. it was a sad affair alleging ofis was merely an act of political retaliation by mccarthy. in other words political ret, te basically owed these positions will only, i think, breed with distrust within the intelligence community. ligenceas to what it can shares and what it caann feel confident about sharing with thecong congress. our mission noress. our mw is to restore the credibility and integrity of this institution. of which the speaker has so gravely so gravely smasheddestro and
with a chinese spy, c eric swalwell being a private c sector and can t get a security clearance there. we are not goingsecurity cle th. to provide himrets with the secrets to america. so true, he couldn t get one of the private sector today at. their pathetic presser. efused t schiff refused to address the claims by mccarthy because they re true, while swalwell bistead choose to level a chose to level a bizarre threat to mccarthy. we will not be quiet. we re not going away. i think you ll regret giving all three of us more time on our hands. ve this one will mean he ll havenei more time to sleep with more eschinese spies. or does he mean he ll give up u even more american secrets? now, both seem like valid vad questions right? well, joining me now is indiana congressman jim banks.a and florida congressman byronbyn donald. gentlemen, both thank you very much for being here. so, congressman banks, let spoi just ask it point blank. are schiff and swalwell threatsc
on the committee after doing that. he should be punished for it. so punished for it kudos to spe for following through on what he said he would do. neither of these two guyst alon should even be in congress, let alone serving servon the intelligence committt yeah, nhe into one leakedno l more than schiff, and that s public tha knowledge, whether yu follow the news or you re inside the beltway, he news or h walk out of those briefingsd ha and hand it over to friendlyy media representativemedia.. here s the thing. was swalwell was so, so concerned about china. excusa,e me. schiff was so concerned abouta china. he went to tick tock, which may or may not be owned by the ccpyd raise after to fundraise right after this. happened. what s this? we knew it would be bad whend be the republicans took over, but it s far worse than we expected. but i can promis expected.e thih this is not the end of my fight for our democracy. this is just the beginning. please join us and contribute. e t