administration s relationship with saudi arabia. that s according to congressman angle. the democrat in line to assume the chairmanship of the house foreign affairs committee. a spokesperson told fox news the committee is playing a review of american policy towards saudi arabia including the administration s handling of the khashoggi killing. when asked if that include the crown prince relationship with son-in-law jared kushner, his office would only say nothing is off the table. on hannity he addressed khashoggi s murder. our intelligence agencies are making their assessment. we want justice brought. we are focussed on the broader region figuring out how to bring a deal together between the israelis and the palestinians. jared kushner offered the
we just feel more pressure needs to be brought in iran rather than to make this deal and take the pressure off of iran which will allow them to go forward with their economic revitalization in the country. right. that isn t in our interest. congressman angle, it s there. there is this agreement now. and the president has said quite clearly, now is not the time for more sanctions here. it s dpisisappointing to me t iran will still be allowed to enrich while they re talking. i wouldn t that i is a prequek it is to any talks without allowing them to dismantle the centrifuges. the agreement is here. we have to make it work. and i think we need to be very, very careful with the iranians. i don t trust them.
ultimately threaten us. this is about a series of important things. now congressman, to that point, you have heard what congressman angle said, does that in any way shape or form, sort of sway your opinion when you put iran in the calculation here? no. if iran present a direct threat to us, then we can and will strike. when or if syria provides some sort of direct threat to the united states, then we can and will strike. but i m not indescending messages. this is a profound and complex time in the middle east right now. generational changes are happening. i don t want to get involved in a syrian war and bomb for a little bit then step back out when i would rather expend our military when he have a serious threat to the united states. congressman angle, you know, we also heard this morning that assad, as you mentioned, to charlie rose, we saw today, is watching closely what is happening in washington. do you think that will have any sway on members of congress who
and north korea? what does it say to the russians? the red line comment has caused a lot of problems. i believe the president may have said it in a moment of passion. with that said, we have to look at the long-term issues of what is best. i think we can still continue to make statements about the fact that there are certain things we will not permit. however, heard earlier congressman angle say this was a war crime using these weapons much it was not a war crime. this was a tyrant using these weapons, if he did, against his own people. it s something of concern. but again, we have to make very clear that a war crime is something we will not permit. aggressive action against others we will not permit. this is a political action that requires a political solution. us ratcheting it up to a military action at a time when it s still a political issue is not something we should do. it s not in the interest of the american people. and i can tell you, i don t know if that vote will go the p
patriot ability. how far would you go in limiting government surveillance of americans? well, you know, we had an amendment to the appropriations bill cutting off the funding for the nsa surveillance. i voted against that amendment because i don t think you can just cut off a program. you need to replace it with something. but i am very troubled by the things that are coming out day after day. showing that we have not really been told the truth. do i think that congress needs to revisit this whole issue and come up with a plan. what i have seen so far is really unsatisfactory. we were told one thing congress was told one thing and as senator corker said, we don t feel that we are being told everything. and that s not really the way things should work. so i m troubled by it i think we need to look at it and i think we need to revamp the program. chris: congressman angle and senator corker, thank you both so much for coming in today. we will stay on top of all these stories, gentl