"The rule upends employment policy, adopting a far-fetched definition of employer based on indirect or potential influence of an employee and then fails to define how indirect control will count toward a joint employer relationship," the National Restaurant Association said in a statement.
"The rule upends employment policy, adopting a far-fetched definition of employer based on indirect or potential influence of an employee and then fails to define how indirect control will count toward a joint employer relationship," the National Restaurant Association said in a statement.
"The rule upends employment policy, adopting a far-fetched definition of employer based on indirect or potential influence of an employee and then fails to define how indirect control will count toward a joint employer relationship," the National Restaurant Association said in a statement.
La UNACDMX manifestó su rechazo a la realización de un período extraordinario de sesiones en el Congreso capitalino, al considerar que lo que se busca legislar atenta contra las facultades y autonomía de las demarcaciones