Student loan safety net. Under the plan which was first announced an august, federal loan borrowers would see a long lower monthly payment, have an easier path to forgiveness and unpaid interest would not be added to a borrowers loan balance. The plan would also reduce payments to zero dollars for borrowers who make less than 30,000 a year. And right now, there are about 8. 5 million federal Student Loan Borrowers already enrolled in a number of repayment plants. This proposal is a path towards a single simplified option. But, it is still unclear when the new plan will be up and running. It has to go through a 30day Public Comment period, and the administration will consider feedback before the plan is finalized. This is all taken shape as Biden Student loan Debt Cancellation plan remains stalled, awaiting the Supreme Court decision. Moral arguments for their case are slated for the end of her. Coming up on the second hour of ayman, some Backroom Deals, with the Kevin Mccarthy agreed t
KCR Calls Congress Shameless: K Chandrasekhar Rao addressed the public gathering as part of the election campaign. He took a strong dig at Congress and called the public to throw Congress into the Bay of Bengal.