In partnership with the library of congress, cspan brings you books that shaped america. Our series explores key works of literature that ive had a profound impact on the country. In this program the journals of lewis and clark, from their tour of discovery published in 1814. In 1803 the size of the United States nearly doubled with the Louisiana Purchase, the vast tract of land was largely unknown. President Thomas Jefferson commissioned Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore and map the newly acquired territory. There crew of explores juried up the Missouri River, cross the Rocky Mountain and the Pacific Coast. Lewis and clarks twoyear tour of discovery ended in september 1806 and they returned with maps, sketches and it journals. Detailing the regions path, animal life, geography and indigenous people. In 1814 Many Americans were able to learn for the first time about the western land, upon the publishing of the book titled history of the expedition under the command of lewis
In partnership with the library of congress, cspan brings you books that shaped america. Our series explores key works of literature that ive had a profound impact on the country. In this program the journals of lewis and clark, from their tour of discovery published in 1814. In 1803 the size of the United States nearly doubled with the Louisiana Purchase, the vast tract of land was largely unknown. President Thomas Jefferson commissioned Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore and map the newly acquired territory. There crew of explores juried up the Missouri River, cross the Rocky Mountain and the Pacific Coast. Lewis and clarks twoyear tour of discovery ended in september 1806 and they returned with maps, sketches and it journals. Detailing the regions path, animal life, geography and indigenous people. In 1814 Many Americans were able to learn for the first time about the western land, upon the publishing of the book titled history of the expedition under the command of lewis
In partnership with the library of congress, cspan brings you books that shaped america. We explore key works of literature that had a profound effect on the country. The federalist from 1788, essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and john j. In 1787 the newly drafted constitution was sent to the states for ratification. Two camps emerge, the federalists and the antifederalist. Starting in octob 1787, essays published under the pen name publius began appearing in newspapers, urge and the ratification of the constitution. Written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and john jay. Theory were later combined into a book called the federalists. Because of the authors addressed a wide range of political issues including conflict between the states, taxation and foreign influence, they are still considered vital documents today for understanding the original intent of the constitution. The federalist papers continued to have an impact on the issues of contemporary america. Welc
In partnership with the library of congress, cspan brings you books that shaped america. We explore key works of literature that had a profound effect on the country. The federalist from 1788, essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and john j. In 1787 the newly drafted constitution was sent to the states for ratification. Two camps emerge, the federalists and the antifederalist. Starting in october 1787, essays published under the pen name publius began appearing in newspapers, urge and the ratification of the constitution. Written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and john jay. Theory were later combined into a book called the federalists. Because of the authors addressed a wide range of political issues including conflict between the states, taxation and foreign influence, they are still considered vital documents today for understanding the original intent of the constitution. The federalist papers continued to have an impact on the issues of contemporary america. We
Bipartisan basis so we would have bipartisanship as the start. And a lot of people because the Senate Bipartisan solution in the Senate Majority and it doesnt happen very often. Senator murray of washington working with public and senator Susan Collins of maine and the continuing resolution spelled out what we think needs to be done to keep the government open for about six or seven weeks. It includes six and a half billion dollars to maintain a commitment to ukraine and 6 billion to help them respond to federally declared disasters including one of my states where they are working to recover from the impact of summer storms. It would prevent election funding for Critical Healthcare and like the Community Health care centers. Im sure presiding officers visited see centers in the state have in my state. Its one of the more Amazing Products out of the Affordable Care act. I can remember 17 just met last minute and demanded we fund Community Health care as part of the bill. Admit that peo