secretary must go, who is the person who is going to come in to replace him as secretary of veterans affairs and can can that person get through congress? that is the big question. and can they to get through congress and fix it? this is a huge fix and this is not something, that, and also, what are the chances that one of the bills that we have been talking about and on the house side, because basically, you can t go to the doctor and go to the private doctor, and much broader bill on the other side that bernie sanders talked about on the top of the hour, that is congress going to do anything? they are talking a lot about it, but will they do anything about it? that is the 64,000 kwrz question, will they do anything, and we have been in situations where we think that congress will actually do something to ameliorate the problem and thinking of shooting of newtown and sandy hook, and nothing happened. the possibility is that something with this from congress won t happen. but congr