And her weatherman hubtssband al roker areharing their secrcrs. But first, nightline five. I work for the dogs 24 7. I am the butler. These dogs shed like crazy. Its like being inside of a snow gleb. It takes an awful lot of time to keep the house clean. I dont know what to do. Whats this . Offensiver er swiffer sweeper and duster. It really sticks to it. Fit in all the tight spaces. Does this look familiar to you . Im just one of the good evening. President obama who can sometimes seem cool and distant white house talking about the victims of gun violence. Not just talking, in fact, taking action on gun control. The reaction was fast and fierce from survivors to the streets of chicago to the nra. My nightline coanchor byron pitts was tracking it all. Reporter it was a rare glimpse at americas parent in chief. From every family who never imagined their loved one would be taken from our lives by a bullet from a gun. Reporter camera clicks the only sound in the white house east room as t
Nearly pooiven500,000 will be up for grab tonight in the jackpot drawing. Good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. Good to be with you. Im annemarie green. Thorngs north korea says it conductedity first test of a Hydrogen Bomb. The claim came after an earthquake was detected close to the north korea test site. If confirmed, it would be north koreas Fourth Nuclear test and escalation of the nuclear program. Seth doane is in beijing where the chinese say they will protest the nuclear test. Reporter as you point out, the big question is here if this is, indeed, proven tor a Hydrogen Bomb test, what north korea claimed it carried out early this morning at 10 00 local time, if, indeed, that is true, it would be a major advance in Nuclear Technology for the north. Hydrogen bomb is far more powerful, much more difficult to through the day, we have seen the South Koreans begin to cast doueds on whether there is some confirmation of this. The north cam
His life for his friends. There hars been an arrest in the death of xavion dobson. Well be right back. Almost 60 million americans are affected by mental illness. Together we can help them with three simple words. I will listen. From maine to maui, thousands of High School Students across the country are getting in on the action by volunteering in their communities. Chris young action teams of High School Students are joining volunteers of america and Major League Baseball players to help train and inspire the next generation of volunteers. Carlos pea its easy to start an action team at your school so you, too, can get in on the action. If you were a hippie in the 60s, you need to know. Its the dawning of the age of aquarius. Yeah, and Something Else thats cool. What . Osteoporosis is preventable. All osteos preventable . Right on all cbs cares theres also been an arrest in the shooting death of a College Student in den ton, texas, in what may been an act of road rage. The suspect is a
The plot was uncovered december 12 g9. The tip said that the two 16yearold girls had planned to launch an attack. More details of the attack have not been released, but the da says that threats reel. The details havent come out yet, but i mean, suffice it to say there is enough out there that i think people can conclude that this has the potential to be something that is of extreme significance to members of this community. I live in this community as well. And i think its important that i remain intimately involved in the front end of this process, you may end up seeing me all the way through trial, if it ever gets that far, but this is important to get right, this is not a case that we went to guess wrong on, either for the juvenile or for the community. Reporter now, the other teen was in court today, her case was continued to next week. Da says hell meet with us after the live shot and talk to us and much more on this developing story tonight. Were live in douglas county, cbs4 news
Powerless to get the United States congress to tighten gun control laws. The president was announcing what he would do by executive action without congress when the memories of these victims, 20 first graders from newtown, connecticut, six or seven years old, choked mr. Obama in midsentence. Every time i think about those kids, it gets me mad. And, by the way, it happens on the streets of chicago every day. Pelley there have been 13 mass killings during the obama presidency. Each time republicans voted against gun legislation. But last month, after san bernardino, mr. Obama decided to act on his own. Given the limits of his power, his actions today are not the most significant simply expands background checks for gun sales online or at gun shows. Currently, about 40 of sales have no background checks at all. Chief Legal Correspondent jan crawford is at the white house. And from every family who never imagined that their loved one would be taken from our lives by a bullet from a gun. Re