Enormously over the last 30 years. We do research when cars, food, medicine, even toys harm people so that we make them safer. And you know what, Research Finds those are good things, they work. [ applause ] they do. But think about this. When it comes to an inherently deadly weapon, nobody argues that guns are potentially deadly. Weapons that kill tens of thousands of americans every year, Congress Actually voted to make it harder for Public Health experts to conduct research into gun violence. Made it harder to collect data and facts. Reduce gun violence. Even after San Bernardino, they refused to make it harder for terror suspects who cant get on a plane to buy semiautomatic weapons. That is not right. That cant be right. So the gun lobby may be Holding Congress hostage right now, but they cannot hold america hostage. [ applause ] i want to be clear, Congress Still needs to act. The folks in this room will not rest until congress does. Because once Congress Gets on board with common
[ applause ] meanwhile, since missouri repealed a law requiring gun permits and background checks, guns have increased to more than 50 of the national average. Criminals in missouri now have easier access to guns. And the evidence tells us that in states that require background checks, lawabiding americans dont find it any harder to purchase guns whatsoever. Their guns have not been confiscated. Their rights have not been infringed. And thats just the information we have access to. With more research, we could further improve gun safety. Just as with more research, we have reduced traffic fatalities enormously over the last 30 years. We do research when cars, food, medicine, even toys harm people and you know what . Research science, those are good things. They work. [ applause ] they do. But think about this. When it comes to an inherently deadly weapon. A nobody argues that guns are potentially deadly. But weapons that kill tens of thousands of americans every year, Congress Actually
Meanwhile, since missouri repealed a law requiring gun permits and background checks, guns have increased to more than 50 of the national average. Criminals in missouri now have easier access to guns. And the evidence tells us that in states that require background checks, lawabiding americans dont find it any harder to purchase guns whatsoever. Their guns have not been confiscated. Their rights have not been infringed. And thats just the information we have access to. With more research, we could further improve gun safety. Just as with more research, we have reduced traffic fatalities enormously over the last 30 years. We do research when cars, food, medicine, even toys harm people so that we make them safer. And you know what . Research science, those are good things. They work. [ applause ] they do. But think about this. When it comes to an inherently deadly weapon. A nobody argues that guns are potentially deadly. But weapons that kill tens of thousands of americans every year, Co
As customers ask for refunds. Nightly news begins right now. Good evening. Going it alone and issuing his own orders meant to keep guns out of the wrong hands, a tearful president obama both tested and reluctantly accepted the limits of his executive power today as he went around congress. The steps he took were modest at best. But long on symbolism. The president , flanked by those touched by gun violence, wept as he ticked off the Mass Shootings that brought him to this point. Senior White House Correspondent jis jansing has more. Reporter president obama today, unable to hold back tears. As he remembered 20 children murdered at sandy hook elementary, every time i think gets me mad. And by the way, it happens on the streets of chicago every day. Reporter in the three years since newtown, he has failed to get any sweeping new gun laws through congress. Today the fuft reagan and e frustration and emotion surfaced, for far more modest executive action. So the gun lobby may be Holding Co
Socalled Brain Training apps under fire. As customers ask for nightly news begins right now. Good evening. Issuing his own orders meant to keep guns out of the wrong hands, a tearful president obama both tested and reluctantly accepted the limits of his executive power today congress. The steps he took were modest at best. But long on symbolism. The president , flanked by those touched by gun violence, wept as he ticked off the Mass Shootings that brought him to this point. Senior White House Correspondent jis jansing has more. Reporter president ama today, unable to hold back tears. As he remembered 20 children murdered at every time i think about those kids, it gets me mad. And by the way, it happens on the streets of chicago every day. Reporter in the three years since newtown, he has failed to get any sweeping new gun laws through congress. Today the fuft reagan and e frustration and emotion surfaced, for far more modest executive action. So the gun lobby may be Holding Congress ho