In a dramatic turn of events, a prominent Mumbai-based businessman and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Swaran Salaria has ignited a revolt within the party ranks by declaring his candidacy for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections from Gurdaspur constituency. Despite the BJP’s prior announcement
BJP leader Swaran Salaria announced his candidacy for the Gurdaspur Lok Sabha seat, despite the party already naming a candidate. Salaria confirmed he will not run as an Independent but under a party symbol. "The decision will be finalized by April 13. I will represent a strong and victorious party," Salaria stated. In the 2017 bypoll, Salaria, contesting on a BJP ticket, was defeated by Congress Sunil Jakhar.
India News: BJP leader Swaran Salaria announced his candidacy for the Gurdaspur Lok Sabha seat, despite the party already naming a candidate. Salaria confirmed he