will have an opportunity to come before congres cs a and explain their actions to the american people. this wasis was a a huge story we announced the investigation of the biden familye anno and refee material from the laptop. many in n the mainstream media said, well, this is just a conspiracy theory.main s the mainstream media still tryingtrea to use the old talkig point that the laptope ho is somehow russian disinformation. we know from cbs forensic audit the laptop is legitimate. w fromno elon musk that there was correspondences o between the biden campaignrres t and the democratic national committee to suppress this story. i believe this story would have had a huge impacte on the presidential election. we hadhad a very close presideo election.k at and when you look at what s ine the laptop, it s very concerning. there was no evidence ever at any time that the laptop story wasn t legitimate. the new york post did a great job. i m glad they re beinga vindicated. but this story is jus