it s a voice that will be missed, but it s a voice that will not be forgotten. elijah cummings was a giant. he spoke with the conscience of the american people. always put his constituents in baltimore and in maryland first. there s so much that we have to be thankful for. what a tremendous loss for the congress, for the country, and for the american people. he is somebody who did work to reach across the aisle and did use his voice. congressman, i appreciate you being back on the show. thank you. i want to talk about the death of congressman cummings and bring in geoff bennett who is on the hill and geoff, boy, you can t turn a corner on the capitol i m sure where you are without running into somebody who wants to talk about how much congressman cummings meant to them. you re right about that. congressman cummings was one of the last remaining giants here on capitol hill. he was known for a moral leadership and a biding passion for public service that permeated nearly everything h
three-year long impeachment parade. prominent house democrats promising impeachment at the beginning of his presidency, fairness and due process are not their objectives here. also retweeting something from congressman jim jordan, which essentially accuses democrats of pushing for socialized medicine, higher taxes and the green new deal which is, of course, quite controversial. that s the strategy. those are the talking points. sort of underscores something that you and i have been tracking which is that the legal team is eyeing the possibility of beefing up to have a broader strategy here because at this point president trump sort of doing his own messaging when it comes to all of this. right. i have spoken to rudy giuliani. he denies any wrongdoing. we know that fiona hill, the president s former top adviser to russia, testified earlier this week and essentially said that rudy giuliani was running a shadow foreign policy side stepping the normal channels of government, working wi
on the left side of your screen at a conference room in detroit. any minute while showing this to you because we could hear about the end of that united auto workers months long strike against gm. we re watching for word of a vote today. the exact details have not been made public just yet although they could be coming out in the news conference any minute. union members expected to get a 3% raise or annual bonuses and gm expected to put in place a path for current temporary workers to become full-time employees once leadership votes and up to rank and file members to give this the final green light. we are keeping our eye on that. looks like it might be running a couple minutes late. back to washington now where congress is reeling from the explosive white house meltdown meeting that happened late yesterday. senate minority leader chuck schum sh schumer out talking about what happened inside that room. he bragged he was much better at this than mattis. for the president to berate
children and it s just i just don t have words. lawmakers there talking about the death of their colleague, congressman elijah cummings overnight. we have to imagine it s something we ll hear imagine we hear about it from the speaker of the house nancy pelosi appearing for her first public comments since we learned about it. those are set to begin shortly. one of congressman cummings friends and colleagues joins us, congressman emanuel cleaver. thank you for being on the show. it s a tough morning. it was a tough morning. i was supposed to have spoken to the congressman earlier this month. i left the floor last night, marcia fudge said i haven t been able to reach elijah. i said he told me to call him early in the morning, so i ll have his number and i ll call and let you know how he s doing. i received a phone call early in the morning to tell me that he had died. so we all are really wondering
intelligence chairman adam schiff said they must get to the bottom of the investigation. here s what he had to say. the failure to produce this witness, the fail your to produce these documents we consider yet additional strong evidence of obstruction of the constitutional functions of congress, a co-equal branch of government. and senior administration officials held a conference call with reporters about the letter by the house speaker. they were asked on the call what they would have to do to secure the cooperation of the white housed on the impeachment inquir inquiry. the house speaker releasing a statement that reads the white house should be warned that continues efforts to hide the truth of the president s abuse of power from the american