Major initiatives in the San Angelo District include continued heavy rehabilitation and safety improvements to vital Energy Sector corridors in Glasscock, Reagan and Crockett Counties.
step up to a degree. i thought the plan leaks that we saw this week were at least positive in that regard. this is a massive national need, the 65,000 bridges, the toxic water, the congested roadways, the deteriorated airports, the congested seaports. this is a matter of national competitiveness and there s a lot at stake, jobs and opportunity for communities to be competitive economically. we ve got to get this done. okay. i m pleased that the administration is advancing and the democrats are will be negotiating a good plan. that s my hope. former hud secretary henry cisneros, thank you for your time, much appreciated, sir. nikki haley having to answer questions she probably never imagined she would get as u.s. ambassador to the united nations, that s next. then khizr khan weighing in on the president s travel ban.