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scarborough tweeted about tim hetherington. he s been a frequent guest on morning joe and msnbc for his work in covering afghanistan, his work at abc. already a state amount colleagues from abc, expressing their heartfelt pain and grief of his passing in libya while covering this ongoing now civil war in that country. tim and others were in misrata covering the fighting. we ve talk about the fierce fighting in that part of libya. right now we ve got the confirmation na photojournalist tim hetherington was killed in fighting in misrata while cover the war in libya. the devastated parents of a british man murdered along side his friend vacationing in florida are speaking out. the parents of james cooper said, quote, our lives have been shattered but through us and his friends and family he will live on. 16-year-old shawn tyson charged with a double murder. police are trying to figure out what the two men were doing in