the confirmation hearings, and so does it change it, and make it more difficult for the democrats? well, i don t believe it does. as jackie said, the key problem for the republicans running in the red states is not whether or not they voted for burwell, but obamacare or not. the vote that was problematic to them has already occurred and any democrat running for re-election is going to have to defend the obama care. it is a situation that is going to be in the next two weeks to have it disabused as a story that is working well, and can you question in a way that it rebuts in an argument that obama care is doing well, and making the arguments that obama care has been doing in the last few weeks. and people have been asking if kathleen sebelius waited too long the resign, and too close to the midterms, and let me play you a clip of andrea mitchell s exclusive interview with kathleen sebelius.
new signals that the republicans will use the confirmation of sylvia burwell as hhs secretary as political ammunition heading into the midterms. ted cruz said that kathleen sebelius resignation does not in any way end the health care fight, and now the nomination for the new secretary could be a proxy for warfare against the obamacare. are yout burwell, because you don t like obamacare? absolutely not. the questions that we have to get to however, is whether or not director burwell will be serving for the president of the united states with his ad jgends the primary objective or will she get into the details of the numbers? well, focus on obamacare is
the people who sign have paid, and what do you make of the comments? ? swe well, i don t nknow about that, because she was chosen in an overwhelming confirmation hearing in the senate last year. she is someone who has brought out some of the good stories, but you will see some of the democrats who are going to be far, far away are the this, and the mark pryors and the mary landrieu s don t want to talk about the person or the affordable care act, because it is hurting democrats who want to focus on the economy and the economic messages rather than talking again about obamacare. and obviously, some republicans, perry, see it as an opportunity, a as we have been saying, they will bring up the issues that they see with obamacare at this confirmation hearing, an unlike most of us, most people are not sitting home to watch every single minute of
republicans highlighting anything wrong with obama care in the process. well, you have heard tim scott reference obamacare and the numbers and conwoman marcia blackwell also brought it up on face the nation. burwell is an interesting choice, and many of us and a growing consensus, i believe, that they know that they have a math problem with obamacare, and the numbers are not going to work out so that the program is going to be actuarially sound, and they have to have somebody to kind of spin the numbers, and in is something with burwell coming from the omb, i think that they are expecting her to do it for them. and jackie, there is no one questioning the number of people who sijed up. so i guess that the suggestion is that sillylvia burwell who h an impeccable reputation would be spinning the numbers of whether or not the money is saved or the affordable health care act is affordable, and if
in critical condition. and a tornado touched down in loveland, texas. today, the threat is centered over east texas and six other states in the south. severe thunderstorms and damaging winds and hail and isolated tornadoes are in the forecast. firefighters in chili worked desperately through the night to maintain a massive wildfire in the city of el pa ray ceo. it has injured 200 people, and fires with were contained shortly after saturday, but the windsic canned up, and pushed the flames out of control. coming up, 2016 gop hopefuls converging on new hampshire. and they say they are pitching a tent, but would they like to leave one front-runner behind? and next, will a confirmation battle turn into obamacare proxy war? that is coming up after the break.