By Patrick Goodenough | May 7, 2021 | 4:41am EDT
The U.N. World Conference against Racism in Durban, South Africa in 2001. (UN Photo)
( – Canada and Australia have confirmed that they, like the United States, will not be participating in the United Nations’ commemoration later this year of the so-called Durban process, an “anti-racism” initiative that has been plagued by controversy since its launch with the World Conference Against Racism two decades ago.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced Thursday that his government would not attend the event, planned in New York during the high-level opening of the U.N. General Assembly session in September, citing the singling out of Israel.
Avi Benlolo: Canada is right to boycott Durban IV and its anti-Semitic supporters The original event in 2001 spawned a new wave of violent anti-Semitism that continues to spread its hate today
Author of the article: Avi Benlolo
Publishing date: May 07, 2021 • 11 hours ago • 5 minute read • A participant waves Canadian and Israeli flags at a pro-Israel rally at Calgary city hall in a file photo from July 31, 2014. Canada has announced it is boycotting the Durban IV conference in New York this September due to anti-Semitism and the anti-Israel nature of the original event in 2001. Photo by Mike Drew/Postmedia News
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By Patrick Goodenough | May 7, 2021 | 4:41am EDT
The U.N. World Conference against Racism in Durban, South Africa in 2001. (UN Photo)
( – Canada and Australia have confirmed that they, like the United States, will not be participating in the United Nations’ commemoration later this year of the so-called Durban process, an “anti-racism” initiative that has been plagued by controversy since its launch with the World Conference Against Racism two decades ago.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced Thursday that his government would not attend the event, planned in New York during the high-level opening of the U.N. General Assembly session in September, citing the singling out of Israel.
May 6, 2021
Australia joins United States in boycotting the UN’s Durban Conference on racism, known to be a hornet’s nest of virulent anti-Semitism.
By Yakir Benzion, United With Israel
Australia is joining the United States in refusing to participate in the 20th anniversary events for the UN’s World Conference Against Racism in Durban, which singled out Israel for anti-Semitic resolutions, the
Jerusalem Post reported Thursday.
“We will not associate Australia with one-sided and contentious language that singles out Israel or [with] an event that champions such language,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison told the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce in Melbourne.
The conference had two elements, an NGO Forum and a Governmental Conference.
The NGO Forum – with the enthusiastic participation of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch – was where the BDS strategy started. It attacked every Jewish organization in attendance. Its final declaration called Israel a “racist apartheid state” guilty of “war crimes, acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing.” Statements denouncing attacks on Jews and synagogues were removed from the final declaration.
The Governmental Conference was not as explicit in its antisemitism but it was no better. Its final declaration singled out Israel, listing only Palestinians specifically under the 45 paragraphs in the section of “victims of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.”