Brooklyn-based Developer, Financier, and Owner-Operator Ecogy Energy ('Ecogy'), Selected for Westchester County's Westchester Community Solar Partnership.
As more NYC landlords seek to cut greenhouse gas emissions, some are asking how to get clean energy in their buildings and finding that it s not so simple.
when a gas leak was reported to conedison. coned dispatched a team immediately to respond. the explosion occurred before that team could arrive. as soon as the explosion was called in, fd and y responded literally within two minutes of the call for help. it s still taking all day to battle the blaze. two minutes the firefighters came, 250 responding firefighters to the five alarms that been downgraded. 24 people at least injured that they know of. two died, as you said. and two are seriously injured with life-threatening injuries. we expect an update from at least one of those hospitals shortly. you heard from neighbors earlier today who said, look, we smelled this gas last night. i don t know if it didn t get reported or lost in translation somewhere. i know crews are hoping they can get to the searching finish