projects. the senior state department official says we re in the first inning of a 9-inning game. it s a lot like whack-a condition mole. we re trying to be a step ahead and while we re developing things to stop this as fast as we can. the secretary is very committed to solving this issue. the secretary of state rex tiller son told us last month that it s very difficult to preempt russian interference efforts, that the government, the russian government was already trying to interfere in the 2018 midterm election. critics of this administration and all of the efforts to counter russian propaganda and other propaganda efforts, say it s no match for what those governments are spending trying to interfere in u.s. elections. more to come on this. thank you. the deadline for dreamers arriving today, with no permanent fix in sight. dreamers holding rallies right now on capitol hill. so, where do things stand now?