corroboration, and is very detail-oriented. you know, he s done about eight of them and gotten at least one pulitzer prize that i m aware of. so i think although he s been accused occasionally of taking literary license, but i think overall you have to regard what he says as credible. yeah. director clapper, always appreciate your time. i went to my barber on friday, and i said, i wanted the clapper, and this is what he did to me. don, i want to comment on that. i mean i really i think your new do is great. as you know, grass doesn t grow on a busy warnock strestreet. but as my wife is quick to remind, it doesn t grow out of a concrete bolock either. tell your wife i said thank you. she keeps me humble. when we come back, our new snon poll shows president trump s approval rating lower than any president s at this point in his administration in more than 50 years.