rosenstein said comey must be fwierds. trump was going to do it regardless of what rosenstein said. it doesn t change the fact that rosenstein came to the conclusion comey should be fired based on the e-mails. first off 96-4 in the senate for his position. that s significant, isn t it? rosenstein did not say he should have been firedes in his memo. i read his letter, rather, this morning. dehe did not say that. he severely criticized comey for how he handled the clinton matter last year. i severely criticized comey last year. i said he should be fired. it was a different time and con b text. to fire comey now when he is conductings an investigation that might implicate the president is to compromise that investigation. you cannot have the investigate ed look like it s interfering
president can fire an fbi director for any reason or for no reason at all. i m not going to spend time on the decision or the way it was executed. i hope you won t either. it is done and i will be fine, although i will miss you and the mission deeply. sources inside the white house tell cnn president trump kept his decision to fire comey very close to the vest in the 48 hours before he dropped the bombshell. it did not seek he did not seek a wide range of viewpoints and he grew increasingly angry with the fbi director after reaching the conclusion comey was his own man and could not be trusted. a longtime friend who spoke to the president over the weekend described him as white hot and complaining repeatedly about russia, russia, trump and russia. that friend says the president has regularly expressed frustration that they can t make this all go away, apparently referring to comey and his staff, among others.