under the individual tax code and they are going to owe 40 percent or so. obama extending the temporary pay roll tax . i was struck after the debate by the concil tory concilatory tone. what did they mention? the exof the pay roll tax. it is something that republicans pushed for in the past. i think there is a substantative problem in the center of the proposal having to do with taxes. he alluded to the tax rate too high. to pay for all of the spending, one of the ways is closing a lot of tax loop holes. they are the primary bargaining chip that you use in a substantative serious tax reform to get tax lower.
colin both sides are claims victory. republicans democrats said they picked up two seats. i don t think there is any question the republicans took the day. unions really. this was the big coup of revenge and they picked up two seats and might lose another seat of a democrat in recall elections next week and in the end, they are going to have spent 30 million and not going to have control of the legislature and they ended up with pie in their face. think about the way they treated this. this was their big battle. they had tv cameras everywhere and the protest. this was unon s big moment to reclaim. governor walker was concil tory and said we need to work together democrats and republicans. do you feel they are chastened