on monday for other business, and saw the photo in the custody of the cia. no, it was the legitimate phot oavment and here s the point. you put that out, what are people going to say? it was a fake, it s a dupe, he s not dead, you ve got to do more, prove more, so we incyte violence and we don t really close that chapter. doesn t make sense to me. who the conspiratorialists are not going to be changed. these are the same con spir tiss who thought george bush had something to do with 9/11. you re not going to satisfy that segment of our population, and you re never going to convince the taliban, either. so let s get on with the rest of the proof so rational people can see it and agree with it and get on with the war on terror. it s not over. usama bin laden is dead but the war on terror is not over. bill: one question on that. sure. bill: do you think this photo will only be released eventually and it s only a question of time? i m not sure of that. it s in pretty tight