family or families of the mexican citizens who have been murdered, are you going to expect less than the full come marines with the subpoena? i will make it very clear for the white house, i ll make it very clear. the subpoena was valid and legitimate. comply with all of it and quit asking us to negotiate in the dark or to buy a used cash over the telephone. we aren t going to do it. the vote is come on thursday. comply with the subpoena or you will be on the wrong side of history. have you done any informal head count whether you are going to lose hi republican votes on thursday and whether they are going to gain any democratic votes? i think we will gain democratic votes. i m not aware of any republicans that will vote no on contempt. but we had a meeting some afternoon, and the mccarthy got chairman ice saw to explain to our colleagues, we aren t voting on fast and furious thursday. we are voting on the fact that the attorney general refuses to