Answers For Those Who Hate Making America Great
By Anthony Stark
During his appearance on Face the Nation, Tavis Smiley posed three questions that he claimed he needed to know… or perhaps, given the obvious nature of the response, pretended to need to know… the answers to.
Relating the candidacy of Donald Trump to events surrounding the Brexit, Smiley states: “Donald Trump and his his his mantra continues to be, make America great again, there are three questions one has to ask very quickly. One, for whom? Number two, what days are you talking about going back to? When was America so great we want to return to it? Number three, what about those fellow citizens for whom they’ve been waiting perennially to experience the true greatness of America?
Australian Trotskyist Barry Jobson dies aged 78
Barry Jobson, 1942–2020 (Photo: WSWS Media)
From the time he joined the Socialist Labour League (SLL), predecessor of the SEP, in 1974 Comrade Barry was a tireless fighter for the program of Trotskyism in the working class, particularly in the Elcar railway workshops in the south-western Sydney suburb of Chullora where he worked for many years.
One of the most significant features of his work, which he carried out in collaboration with fellow leading party member, Terry Cook, was his struggle to defend the interests of railway workers against the betrayals of the Labor Party, the Communist Party Stalinists and the trade union bureaucracies, all the time seeking to educate them in the program and principles of the Trotskyist movement.