you can t have a two tiered system. the critics say a we don t need more government regulation and, b, you should let the free market decide. if google can demand, you know, the super highways to your heart then they should be entitled. bill: some of these companies are so powerful that they could stop some internet sites that they didn t politically agree with. i don t have a big beef with that as long as the net consumer, the person with the computer isn t being denied anything. well, but the argument by the critics is it s the camel s nose under the tent. bill: always a slippery slope. it always is when regulation starts. it always starts like this. it s a little bit and then before you know it the government is controlling what s on the internet. bill: we have us watching these people. we are not under the what sharpton says about the public airways, this is the private airways. they can t touch it. m.c. hammer would say you can t touch it. they can. they don t normal
you can t have a two tiered system. the critics say a we don t need more government regulation and, b, you should let the free market decide. if google can demand, you know, the super highways to your heart then they should be entitled. bill: some of these companies are so powerful that they could stop some internet sites that they didn t politically agree with. i don t have a big beef with that as long as the net consumer, the person with the computer isn t being denied anything. well, but the argument by the critics is it s the camel s nose under the tent. bill: always a slippery slope. it always is when regulation starts. it always starts like this. it s a little bit and then before you know it the government is controlling what s on the internet. bill: we have us watching these people. we are not under the what sharpton says about the public airways, this is the private airways. they can t touch it. m.c. hammer would say you can t touch it. they can. they don t normal
the internet that are legal. you can t have a two tiered system. the critics say a we don t need more government regulation and, b, you should let the free market decide. if google can demand, you know, the super highways to your heart then they should be entitled. bill: some of these companies are so powerful that they could stop some internet sites that they didn t politically agree with. i don t have a big beef with that as long as the net consumer, the person with the computer isn t being denied anything. well, but the argument by the critics is it s the camel s nose under the tent. bill: always a slippery slope. it always is when regulation starts. it always starts like this. it s a little bit and then before you know it the government is controlling what s on the internet. bill: we have us watching these people. we are not under the what sharpton says about the public airways, this is the private airways. they can t touch it. m.c. hammer would say you can t touch it.