Five Things for Dedham, Norwood and Westwood: Easter Bunny Drive-Thru
Wicked Local
1 Easter Bunny Drive-Thru: April 3, Coakley Middle School, 1315 Washington St., Norwood. Time slots available: 10-11:30 a.m.; 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Cost is $20 per vehicle. One Easter basket per car plus photo with bunny. Must remain in vehicle for all photos. Registration is under way; for information, email
2 Norwood s annual Town Election will take place April 5; polls will open from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. There are contested races for Trustee of Morrill Memorial Library, School Committee and Planning Board. For information, contact Town Clerk MaryLou Folan, 781-762-1240;