The Production-Linked Incentive scheme for automobile and auto components has managed to attract a proposed investment of worth Rs 67,690 crore against the target estimate of investment of Rs 42,500 crore, over a period of five years.
NEW DELHI [India], Dec 29: The Production-Linked Incentive scheme for automobile and auto components has managed to attract a proposed investment of worth Rs 67,690 crore against the target estimate of investment of Rs 42,500 crore, over a period of five years. A total of 115 companies had filed their application under the PLI scheme. The scheme and its guidelines were notified on September 23, 2021. Out of 115, total of 85 applicants have been approved – 18 applicants for […]
In this issue of India Briefing Magazine, we analyze India’s existing electric vehicle ecosystem and its policies guiding the transition to clean mobility.