In case you haven't looked at a calendar today, it's Friday the 13th. A lot of people think that coincides with bad luck or perhaps you think it's synonymous with a certain slasher by the name of Jason Voorhees. What do you think Jason would be up to these days? My guess is he's enjoying his time in Wyoming.
In case you haven't looked at a calendar today, it's Friday the 13th. A lot of people think that coincides with bad luck or perhaps you think it's synonymous with a certain slasher by the name of Jason Voorhees. What do you think Jason would be up to these days? My guess is he's enjoying his time in Wyoming.
It's Star Wars Day and 'May the 4th Be With You'. For the most part, the pandemic may be in our rearview mirror but imagine if Covid-19 had spread throughout the galaxy. If there was one person who had all their bases covered when it came to handling the pandemic, it was Darth Vader.
What a convenient coincidence that May 4th is upon us. Of course, the running joke with May 4th ever since 'Star Wars' has become a natural phenomenon of pop culture is the saying, 'May the 4th be with you!' That, of course, is a play on the phrase made famous from the iconic film franchise, 'May the Force be with you'. But it just so happens that Wyoming's favorite robot in any movie is from the 'Star Wars' franchise.
It's Star Wars Day and 'May the 4th Be With You'. For the most part, the pandemic may be in our rearview mirror but imagine if Covid-19 had spread throughout the galaxy. If there was one person who had all their bases covered when it came to handling the pandemic, it was Darth Vader.