Law clerk and its wonderful to be a unlikely but you also havo immediately start looking for your next job, which i was. I had a background in finance and i have cpas i thought i would be a perfect commercial litigator, or so i thought. I was anything with the chicago law firms, the large ones. To date myself for the Company Largest law from vince had about 230 partners in them for the chicago area, to show you how things changed. But i need litigation experience, i thought, and so i apply for the attorney generals honors program, and lo and behold they wanted a four year commitment. Well, when you are 27 years old, four years seems like a lifetime and i very much run my hands over that decision if i wanted to give four years of my life to Public Service. So here i am approximately 36 years later. But i guess what i want to say is that its gone by very quickly. Ive enjoyed it immensely and would not have traded it for any other opportunities in the world, professionally, showing you ho