exhibit b? the police did not do it they would normally do in every case, i can tell you as a former prosecutor. someone had said they were attacked on the streets, they did not know who they were, they had on masks, maga hats, the police would have said, okay, we re taking a complaint number, call us later for other information. they spent all that money because he was a celebrity, and the fact of the matter is, no, you don t get the money back that you spent on the investigation. just because you spent the money, he doe was not fallen for guilty of filing a false report for that will be the prerequisite for them to be able to claim any money. the case was dismissed, the charges were dropped against him. a city that has hundreds of unsolved homicides, it s the police that should be embarrassed at what happened, not jussie smollett. so yes, his attorneys are absolutely correct. shannon: okay, we will see how that plays out. let s get to celebrity case number two. this is exhibit b,
man just basically said, okay, i m waiting, how long is it going to take? the irony is this consumer rep couldn t even give a complaint number or customer service member confirming the account had been canceled. the flip side of all this is netflix. netflix is seen as this challenger to comcast and all of these new companies. in reality, netflix is really a complementary soincervice. netflix does, i think very smart, they make it as easy as humanly possible to start up and then cancel. they think if it s easy, you re more likely to come back. try to leave on a happy note. it can be exhausting. funny, exhausting and totally relatable. brian, mel, thank you so much. and a train so dangerous it has the ominous nickname the train of death. find out why and see the scars this beast has left behind. [male vo] inside this bag is 150 years of swedish experience in perfecting the rich,
electronically, the irs puts a code on the the redons we were able to unr, we know it came from within the irs. do you know who did it don tw who did it. we have asked for an investigation. do they actually have an investigation ongoing? they now refuseo acknowledge whether te is one or not. back inril last year, they acknowledged and gaves a complaint number for the inigation. they first investigated us to try and prove it came from somebody within ou organization. when that didn t pan out, that was the last we heard of the investigation. kevin, today, anything surprise you? i agree with . what surprised me was what e democrats did. one of the things theyttempted to do was to malign us as if our ideas didn t matter, to describe their social welfare programs as somehow constitutionally the protection of the not worth constion. i think there was one
irs code on it. so we know that this came from within the irs. greta: do you know who did it? we don t know who did t. we have asked for an investigation and we have been stonewalled. greta: do they have an investigation ongoing? well, do hey now refuse toion acknowledge whethhere is one or not. but back in april, last year, oe they acknowledged and gave us a complaint number for the investigation. they investigated us to try to prove thate it came from someone within our that was the last wedi heard of the the heainvestigation. greta: kevin, anything sur what surprised me what was the democrats did. i agree that they did a disservice, they attempted to malign us as ifs our ideas didnt matter. constitutionally acceptable, but ours not worth the protection of the co titution. greta: i think congressman