what dee dee just said. look it up. the cbo says giving tax cuts to millionaires at this point will not stimulate the economy as much as, shock of all shocks, extending unemployment benefits. right. which the cbo says for every dollar you give, you get two in return to the economy orr a payroll tax holiday. this is a matter of record and yet the president doesn t make this argument. to add to the cynicism that i think people are going to feel when this deal goes down, this morning s new york times i don t know if you saw this is reporting that wall street is watching closely for this deal to be done. they re going to try to move them up and get their compensation packages from next year to this month so workers can avoid paying higher income taxes just in case. that s great. thanks. dee dee, there has been sort of revisionism of what happened in 94 and 95, that bill
focus on jobs. if harry reid wants to talk about don t ask, don t tell, but college benefits for illegal immigrants or a treaty with russia, that s fine. we only have enough time in the next month to focus on what i believe we ought to be focused on which is jobs, the economy, the debt and the spending. so, we need to freeze spending, we need to focus on the economy, keep taxes down for everyone and then if there s time available, go to these other things. the first focus the jobs and the economy. no compromise at all. tax cuts extended for everybody and you re not willing to make a deal on that. i think in the middle of a recession, you should not raise taxes on anyone in this country. for the american people who say corporate profits are at an all-time high and you look at compensation packages for executives people making over a million dollars a year. they see a disconnect between that and not extending unemployment benefits. maybe let me put it this way. if your argument is
but mr. rizzo, more than 28 weeks a year of vacation and sick time? to be specific he had 36 sick days a year and a whopping 107 vacation days and he cashed it all in, baby. teas one sick package. why does he have half a year off in vacation? that adds up to more than six months. why is he getting six months vacation and again, adds up to 1.5 million. if you re wondering who approved this, so is the city attorney. the city attorney is now looking into exactly what city council meeting, when somebody raised their hand. and other city officials said, quote, it makes them sick, they re disgusted, they feel like crying when they hear these. not all of it. there s other officials, and huge compensation packages and even the fire chief, the police chief made a ton of money, more than 700 grand, that you look at. you look at large cities
spending some time on these questionable bank bailouts. remember when the whole tarp thing happened and the government basically just gave all this money to the banks with no rules. no fine print, nothing. and now it it turns out that maxine waters, a congresswoman from california may be in trouble with ethics violations as a result of some of this. what have you been discovering, michelle? yeah. well, i first reported on this last year when the allegations came up. and what happened is she had a very special relationship with a boston based bank that has chapters in south central los angeles, the district that she represents called one united bank. this thing is teeterring. it had been criticized by the fdic for unsound lending practices. extravagant compensation packages. but these minority fat cats, it s a black owned bank and minority fat cat bankers had leaned on maxine waters for a special back door bailout. and according to the house ethics committee which filed
standing ovation to the union bosses in the front row, like they were rock stars. there s a lot of cronyism get back and forth and help me get reelected i ll make sure the pensions are bailed out. brenda: jonas, we have to let you in there again. i think there s a misunderstanding how the compensation packages are made and state and government workers, they re back end loaded and they underpay them essentially so states can make budgets, all the last three or four decades, and then they go into retirement now and now the states are broke because they paid them a little under private market wages with all the benefits you don t get. and never under, never under. over, over. that s the problem, they re over. not true. in fact, they took away pensions and early retirement and health care benefits for policemen and firemen, they would want a higher pay right now. it s not a free give away. of course it is of course it is. they re paying a higher wage, the benefits are bette